

Gratitude and Appreciation

Finally I set myself up for building all the things I always wanted to build. I decided I was going to materialize all my dreams and I was finally going to honor my purpose on life, while being a channel for inspiration and creation.

This turned out to be as difficult as it sounds, and everyday has been like a little battle against discouragement and disappointment. Luckily I found myself surrounded by talented, energetic and positive individuals that have made my journey so much easier. All along I found out they had similar desires and visions, and it has been so exciting to be able to share and build new possibilities. I am very much in debt with all of them. I hope I can, in any way, re-tribute their kindness and make their life as better as they made mine. I am optimistic and positive about the outcome of things and life seems so much beautiful.

To every one of you who read this, thank you and I hope you can feel related. We are all connected, and more than collecting objects I feel like I am being part of a collective of ideas. Lets enjoy the ride, it is going to be fun.

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